Designing toy sewing

Teddy bear repair


Charming and antique Bear came to us for restoration from Dnepropetrovsk. In spite of his age - 50 years - the Bear was well preserved, because his loving owners took care of him and looked after him. In Art-berloga Plush Clinic they cleaned and fluffed his fur, replaced old sawdust with clean, fresh sawdust, restored the original shape of his body and posture.

Repair toy Pif

Our specialists have once again proved that nothing is impossible! The restoration of one of the oldest toys, the dog "Pif" (about 50 years old) was successful!!!! The owners are very happy, we were able to revive the nostalgic memories of the owner's childhood!!! Contact us, we will show you how the emotions of childhood come back!!!! Restoration of soft toys from Art-berloga.

Repair toy hare.

Restoration of the toy in record time, within a few hours. The favorite bunny had time to come home before the evening story! Cleaned, repacked, repaired! The efficiency of Plush Clinic specialists always surprises our clients and customers. We are ready to restore and resuscitate your childhood friends even in the most difficult cases!

Plush cloned daughter

The resurrection of Marfusha the bear and her cloned daughter. The story of one resurrection. (Restoration and cloning in image and likeness). The most vivid example that a toy can be given a new life is the bear Marfusha. She came to us at the age of forty and in a very poor condition. It was a shapeless lump filled with wood, without ears, without eyes, with a darned hastily made mouth. Marfusha's owner tearfully asked for help, because Marfusha is the only memory of Mama. But no one wanted to take on such an impossible task. When I agreed to take Marfusha to my "den" and put her in order, the more experienced masters with a huge experience of work only laughed, they said that this bear was hopeless! But that was not the case! To begin with, Marfusha had to be completely disassembled into parts, washed, dried, ironed, and darned all, even the smallest, gaps. Marfusha's details were modeled and the bear was reassembled into one whole. They filled it with new wood filler, inserted new eyes, made a nose and mouth, sewed on ears. Marfusha became 20 years younger. And according to the molds that were taken off her, we sewed a new toy - Marfusha's daughter))).

The owner of these adorable bears was more than happy, and we - were accomplices in the reincarnation of human happiness!

Here is the happy ending of our story! And now you know that in "Art-berloga" they know how to make miracles! Contact us!


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