Designing toy sewing

Repair plush kitty.

It is the "beloved" toys that are our profile. We are not afraid to take on the most difficult tasks of plushie restoration and our efforts are rewarded with indescribable delight in the eyes of our clients. At the end of 2017, the owners of a very young, but very much loved kitty came to Plush Clinic. During her 15 years of life, she had lost almost all of her hair. We had to work hard to implant a new coat. And before that the kitty was carefully cleaned, all the fur was reinforced on the inside to avoid further destruction of the base of the toy, all the holes were scrupulously darned. And only then, in the carefully prepared base we began to implant a new pile. The effect turned out even better than we expected. Also, we picked up and installed a new spout, without which she was not a kitty at all. At the owners' request we added filler to her limbs and torso, namely plastic granulate. And now the beautiful cat, who has recovered in every sense, has returned to her former life in her adoring family.

Repair old dog

We always welcome careful attitude to toys and preventive measures! After all, it is easier to prevent the destruction of a toy than to restore it when it is in a critical condition. This is exactly what happened with this doggy. In addition to the fact that the owners treated it very carefully for more than 40 years, they turned to Plush Clinic in time! As a result - the toy does not differ from a new one! Although the amount of work on it was quite large. First of all, we removed the old foam filler, cleaned the skin. We monitored the general condition of the product and strengthened the weakened areas of the skin and seams. Next - we filled the doggy with modern safe filler and fluffed the coat. The final chord - a bow. And the toy is home again - warming the owners' hearts with its transformation.

Repair plush lion.

Big lions also require care and maintenance, so the loving owners decided that prevention is better than cure. Without waiting for significant signs of this plush beauty's advanced age to appear, they decided to send the pet to the Plush Clinic's "prophylactorium". During the preventive repair, we discovered significant damage to the neck fur. It was impossible to do without fur implantation and we gladly applied new technologies developed by us. Now the lion's neck has a uniform pile cover, without a single hint of the gaps that were present before. Also, the lion was provided with a full range of services for cleaning the fur, replacing the filler, and strengthening the seams. Leva is now living a new life and we are happy that we have put our hands, knowledge, skills and abilities to this!

Repair lion cub

Levushka came to Plush Clinic Art-berloga in the most serious condition. Almost all of his once good fur had turned into rags over the years. Many times the toy was tried to be rescued by its caring owners. This was evident from the number of hand stitches we had to remove before the main repair process began. We replaced completely damaged parts of the product with new German long-wool plush - chest, back, upper half of the handles. And also completely replaced the mane with material as close as possible in color and texture to the original. Titanic work had to be done to save a whole part of the skin. Namely: sew up all the arrows and duplicate the base of the artificial fur, strengthen the seams. Leva's transformation is visible to the naked eye. Now he has returned home to his loving family and will serve for generations to come!

Repair plush giraffe.

A miniature Giraffe from sunny Odessa came to Plush Clinic with a broken neck, no ear, terribly sad eyes and many other small injuries.  He needed a complete cleaning of his fur, a new ear, partial replacement of his skeleton and repair of small holes in his fur. After all the manipulations he "came to life" before our eyes and hurried to return home to feel the power of unrestrained love of his owners again.

Repair pink teddy bear

Every real princess has a little pink teddy bear. And every princess loves it sincerely and truly, sparing nothing for it - neither goodies nor hugs. So it turns out that soon these pink cuties, loved to bits, need our caring preventive restoration. This teddy bear underwent a filler replacement, as well as a complete cleaning of the fur from dust, stains, and paint marks. Also, for the first time, we have successfully implanted the toy with fur, which opens new horizons in toy restoration. The happiness of little princesses and their plush friends not only inspires us to work, but also pushes us to greater discoveries. Restoration and repair of soft toys at Plush Clinic Art-berloga.

Repair plush dog

A rare Soviet-era doggy lost its leg in the difficult vicissitudes of life and came to us for restoration. In the process of work not only the leg was restored, but also all fastenings were tightened, the skin was cleaned, seams were strengthened, filler was replaced and whites of eyes were bleached. The doggie came home full and refreshed after gentle treatments at Art-berloga's plush clinic, the International Plush Clinic.

Repair plush hedgehog

Toy restoration is a laborious and painstaking task. Our masters had to feel it especially on this hedgehog, because its lint-needles piled up into one dense crust and all this crust had to be divided into lint almost manually. And not in vain. The toy acquired almost pristine appearance, which surprised and pleased the owners.

Repair old plush dog

Friend came to us for restoration after a long and faithful service to his owners. Life and time had worn and loosened it a bit, and some splotches appeared. But at 40, life is just beginning! Both real and toy life! We never tire of proving it. We gave this doggie a complete cleaning of his coat from years of dust and stains, replaced the filler with modern hypoallergenic hollofiber, installed new joints. And, since the early photos of the toy at the owners have not survived, we did a tremendous job to search for materials about the original form of this dog to restore the face. The result is visible. Buddy returned home as a new one, where the whole family was waiting for him with impatience, and the owners confessed to us that they did not expect such a transformation.

Repair favorite lion toy

Leva came to us from "Slavniy mista Leva" in a state of almost empty skin with sticky foam rubber inside. The whole thing was like a sieve, with small holes! But real professionals can do all the tasks! And we enthusiastically entered the battle for Leva's life. Cleaned his skin, strengthened the seams and fabric of the toy. We darned every tear. Replaced the stuffing. We bleached his face. Leva became unrecognizable. The owners of the toy could not believe their eyes and it became our best reward!


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