Designing toy sewing

Repair pig toy

The 20-year-old pig was quite well preserved for her age. The whole Plush Clinic team noted this and proceeded to work amicably, without any unnecessary preamble. The main problem was with the clothes. If the pig's skin turned out to be intact and without stains, the pants just needed to be replaced. The caring owners of Piggy had already mended and darned her clothes many times, and even tried to restore them with the help of external overlays. Although such measures give only a temporary effect, they inspire us for real accomplishments, because they prove again and again how much people love their plush friends! And we started with the main thing - cleaning of the skin. Next - partial replacement of clothes and strengthening of weakened parts of the product. For this we had to disassemble the toy almost completely. And when we put it back together, we realized that we did not try in vain. The new pants fit even better than the previous ones. The toy had new, correct outlines and shapes, it stopped being like a flattened pillow, and became Piggy again. Finally, we gave Piggy a procedure of fluffing the hair and she was transformed dramatically! The owners of the toy were pleased and said that we are not a plush clinic, but time charmers! After all, for two weeks of work to return the toy to 20 years ago - this, you must agree, not everyone can do!)))

Portrait doll repair

Plush Clinic Art-berloga has seen a lot of toys that have been loved or damaged. But we were very surprised to learn that our own work of art, a portrait doll whose appearance had been nicely corrected by a cute pet dog, was in urgent need of restoration. After examining the patient, we were horrified - the scale of the damage was very large. The hair cover was destroyed by 70%, the face was crumpled, deformed, the nose was practically pressed inside, the upper textile layer near the lips and nose was torn. The fingers of the hands have lost their anatomical shape and become like sausages. Shoes are classically chewed up. To eliminate such complex damage, we, first of all, asked for photos of the appearance of a person in the present time and already on them created a new face from scratch. From the head we left only a dummy, all anatomical features of the human face the masters created and applied on it anew. They covered the face and neck with a new layer of textile. They added hair, beard and eyebrows to the doll. We corrected the shape of her fingers. We created new shoes and worked on the costume, which had lost its look. The difference "before/after" is noticeable to everyone and to the naked eye. The collectible doll has returned to the owner, but now she lives in a secluded corner, inaccessible to pets.

Реставрация винтажной игрушки мишки

Despite all the farewells and songs with heartbreaking lines "Goodbye, our affectionate bear!" - this beautiful symbol of the Olympics 80 still lives in our hearts and homes. But the years take their toll! 39 years for a plush toy is an eternity! That is why we are often given Olympians for restoration. This teddy bear looked very good externally, but we could not say that about the inner parts of the toy. Sometime earlier the toy, apparently, was washed/cleaned/dropped in water... There can be any variant, but the essence is the same - from overwatering and improper drying mode the wooden fasteners of the joints were covered with black and very dangerous mold, which partially transferred to the cotton filling. That is, in essence, the soft toy turned into a time bomb that dispersed Aspergillus niger spores throughout its owner's home. We immediately disposed of the ruined cotter pins and filler. And further, we cleaned and properly dried the bear skin, installed new claws on the handles and feet that had been lost over the years. We ordered new disks and cotter pins for the joints, reassembled the whole toy.  We applied our own author's method of fur restoration and the Bear became as good as new. And also he got a new "stuffing" of syntepuh and now, even with improper cleaning or when caught in a downpour, will dry much faster. And his joints are now modern and are not exposed to moisture so much. Therefore, we are absolutely calm about the future fate of the toy. Especially since Olympic Bears are quite rare toys. And real connoisseurs cherish them like the apple of their eye!

Repair plush dog

Meet the balloon! Balloon! This cute tri-colored dog had been living in the world for 35 years when he came to Plush Clinic. For a long time he was a favorite toy in a large family, but the oldest girl Alena loved him most of all. With her he was everywhere and always! He shared both food and shelter! And when the children grew up - Sharik was sent to a well-deserved rest and rest in a secluded corner of the closet. And for a long time he would still lie there, if not for the repair)))) It was then that Sharik again fell into the hands of his owner, and from her - to us. After all, his appearance left much to be desired! Because of old age the dog's fur had yellowed very much, and in some places the hair even began to crumble. No cleaning could not restore the former beauty of the white belly and muzzle. Therefore, first of all, we had to make a complete replacement. To do this, we ordered a foreign retro-plush very similar in texture, created from it and sewed new body parts into the toy. We also completely replaced the filling. Previously, the Ball had absorbent cotton inside, but now it is very densely filled with syntepuh. All the fittings remained the same. We only made a new tongue, beautiful from the finest leather, as our customers asked us. And we sent Sharik home looking better, fresher, to the joy of a large and friendly family!

Repair stuffed pig

The hard life of the favorite has worn out the snow-white Piggy, because she round the clock protects the adorable little girl, takes care of her mood and leisure time. The cute piggy has a very badly worn nickel and mouth. And also she lost half of the former mass and all her lovely forms turned into a pile of wool and filler. It was only for the sake of saving Piggy that her little owner decided to take a short separation. We at Plush Clinic Art-berloga welcomed Piggy with enthusiasm and immediately started the restoration. First Piggy underwent the obligatory spa procedures, and then she underwent facial plastic surgery. The worn out parts of the lower part of the nose were replaced with new ones made of microplush, which is soft to the touch. And the final stage of work on the pig was a complete replacement of the filler, as well as the formation of the correct plumpness of the toy. Renewed and rejuvenated Piggy was met at home with delight and surprise! Now it fulfills its purpose with renewed vigor!

cloning teddy bear

Why cloning, you might ask? Is it a sewing term? The term may not be a sewing term, we tell you, but the process allows you to get a clone (copy) of your favorite toy. Especially if it has fallen into disrepair. This bear we cloned from a favorite children's toy, having previously taken all the necessary measurements from it. Then follows the stage of modeling, where all the difficult moments are worked out, the correct shape of the damaged parts of the body of the toy is deduced and the location of eyes, nose, mouth is determined. Only when the model becomes maximally similar to the original toy, when all the smallest details are coordinated and verified, we start sewing a copy of the toy. This is how the mystery of toy cloning happens. This teddy bear, or rather a new version of it, went home to Belgium, and we already miss him. But undoubtedly, his owner missed him most of all and waited with bated breath to see what we would get. And upon receipt of the cherished parcel from Art-berloga her delight and happiness was unbounded! May your toys always cause delight! And if suddenly, the charge of "delight", strength and vigor in them will run out - you know who can return it))).

Repair teddy bear

It would seem - just another restoration, what else is there to be surprised about? But there is no limit to perfection - tested and proven by the experience of Plush Clinic Art-berloga masters! Delicate peach Mishutka came to us for cleaning and preventive examination. We cannot call his condition critical. He is well-groomed and at first glance it seemed that he does not even need our services. But, after the mandatory cleaning procedure, it shone with new colors, became much fresher and tidier. And also received a new "stuffing" of clean and springy syntepuch, which restored the original shape of the toy. The bear's nose was embroidered with a new one, the eyes were painted, having previously eliminated small scratches and scuffs. And most importantly, we applied the latest author's technology for hair restoration. Now Bear's fur is as fluffy and soft as it was once very, very long ago. The life of another toy has been saved and prolonged, which makes the whole team of our plush clinic incredibly happy.

Repair teddy bear

Blue teddy bear was a favorite in his human family for a very long time. But children grow up, and toys, meanwhile, are pushed further and further back on the shelf. That's how the hero of this story was lost for many years somewhere in the closet, or on the mezzanine. Under the load of other toys, with books mixed in, he just patiently waited for his hour. And so it did. After a short negotiation and a couple of photos we realized - this is definitely our patient! A shapeless, compressed (as if it had been under an asphalt roller) skin with something very hard and dense inside came to us. The wool was dusty and stained, the stuffing was half-decomposed sticky foam, and the fittings were scratched and yellowed from UV light. There were enough tasks! And so we set about it! Cleaning, strengthening the seams and the base of the material, replacing the filler - everything went well! Although, of course, we have to admit - it was extremely difficult to clean off the age-old stains, we had to work hard, but the result was worth it. After all, the renewed, restored teddy bear now pleases a new generation of his family.

Repair teddy bear

Initially, this was a standard restoration. The toy arrived moderately loved, rubbed down, a little battered, and in general the situation seemed familiar to us. And so it was, until we started tinting the hide and in the process invented the latest method of restoring the appearance of the pile almost to its original state. This method significantly increases the visual effect of the restoration and improves the condition of the product. In addition, we did not do without the standard procedures. These are cleaning of the toy, replacement of the old filler with modern one, monitoring of the seams and their strengthening. We also repaired the spout and renewed its color. The difference in Misha's condition before and after the repair is noticeable to the naked eye even by the photo. It's like two different toys, what we didn't fix was Misha's slightly skewed face. He was always so unusual, and it was such a wonderful toy that the client had childhood memories of. We simply had no right to deprive him of his zest and charm. Now this stately brown bear has returned home and started his life with a clean slate! Bring your teddy bears to us for restoration. We will be happy to bring them back to their former glory!

Repair old monkey

You can see with the naked eye that Chita the monkey has been a favorite toy for years. What was it?! - She is and will be for a long, long time in her caring family, which turned to us for help. As it often happens, the favorite toy is not only dusty, but also quite old. The skin came apart at the seams, exposing the stringy soul of the monkey. The face was worn out and skewed, and the arms and legs were no longer obeyed at all and tried to go into "free swimming". For some time the owners tried to maintain Chita in a proper condition, but they chose the wrong method, which only aggravated the situation and finally spoiled her appearance. Therefore, we had a place to go wild. To begin with, we freed the monkey of old hand stitches, glue residues and from dusty filler, we dry cleaned the pelt. We replaced the face, palm and foot parts completely. The cotter pins needed replacing too, so the old fasteners were not even considered as an option. The filler for Chita was chosen identical to the original - excellent dried wood chips. And voila! As if by magic, the old collectible toy returned to the owner rejuvenated for about 20 years! Contact us, we will surprise you too!)))


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