Designing toy sewing

Repair large stuffed dog

How many teddy paws, ears, noses and eyes we have seen torn off, we can't even count! And still each new "plush patient" makes our hearts clench with pain and, rolling up our sleeves, we undertake in urgent mode to save him from oblivion! Gray Dog is a faithful childhood friend of two, now grown-up, brothers, who keep him as a real family heirloom! The turbulent, bright, cheerful childhood of the guys affected the toy not in the best way. The wool got scuffed, the ear half torn off, the toy through the holes sowed the space around itself with foam rubber. Therefore, after complete elimination of the old filler and careful cleaning, more than a dozen stitches were put on the inner part of the torso before returning the Doggy to its original volumes. The filler chosen for this purpose is modern, springy and perfectly holds its shape. Now your favorite teddy looks as good as new, as if only from the counter! And, as in the kindest fairy tale, he will have many more years of happy life in a loving family!

Mickey Mouse toy restoration

Restoration of soft toys is not a whim or a fad, but a necessity! Every new "patient" convinces us of this. Like, for example, this mouse that fearlessly traveled a long way from Poland to Kiev for the sake of restoring the former "plush health" and appearance! While waiting for the parcel with the damaged Mickey, we had time to prepare all the necessary materials to replace his tattered body. Therefore, the process of repairing the toy was carried out in the shortest possible time. In addition to a complete re-stitching of individual parts of the body, Mickey underwent a general cleaning and received a new, fluffy filler, looked better, transformed and played with bright colors! But despite all the manipulations and absolute confidence in our own abilities, we exhaled only when the toy safely returned to the homeland. After all, such a long solo travel is always a test for our plush friends! Take care of your plushies! And if anything happens - we are always ready to help, no matter what distance between us!

Repair vintage teddy bear

All vintage toys are extremely unfriendly to wet-heat treatment and, especially, to washing... And if the washing is machine - it is a sure death of a retro product. A black teddy bear came to us after such "executions". He was not only spoiled, but even smelled a little, because the cotton filler did not dry properly for a long time. Also, either the bear was not rinsed enough, or the filler released some sticky substance after getting wet, but all the fur stuck together and turned into real thorns. The head and leg came apart at the seams, and the stuffing of these parts simply became loose. The eyes and nose were also lost. And, to be honest, having restored the toy, we simply did not recognize Mishka, so he looked so beautiful and transformed! And all because we returned the fur to its natural soft state, laid strong stitches, instead of torn, modern filler restored the shape of the bear's body, replaced completely new cotter pins of the limbs, picked up new eyes and embroidered the nose. All this overnight gave the old teddy Potapych a powerful life boost. And he again fulfills his main mission - he protects the space and sweet dreams of his caring owners.

Video: 128249;

Cloning teddy bear

When restoration is not an option, because it will not make the toy new, you have to "clone". To do this, it is necessary to sacrifice the existing plush friend, disassemble it into separate parts, remove the patterns from them and transfer them to paper, and only then - cut out exactly the same components for the new product. But no less important task is the selection of material for sewing a new toy. Although the original teddy bear was created from flannel at one time, but still now its owner decided that an excellent option will be artificial suede, which is moderately pleasant to the tactile sensations and at the same time has the minimum pile, which is very convenient in operation and practical. The teddy bear's height is only 15 cm. All its limbs are movable, only the head is stationary. This is not our decision, it was like that in the original. And the change of poses and rotation on the axis of individual parts of the bear's body we have provided with the help of cotter pin connections of arms and legs with the torso. The feet are fitted with special dense insoles, which help the toy to keep balance and stand independently. The result of the work pleased both us and the customer. Now Mishanya will faithfully serve the younger generation. And we are sure that this friendship will last for decades!

Repair stuffed pig

The deplorable condition of Piglet Hryuni does not need any description. From afar you can see that this is the limit of the toy's exploitation. And if you continue in the same vein - then only oblivion awaits him! Although the pig itself is intact, but the clothes, which is also part of the body, has already turned into rags. There was no point in repairing the pants, only to change them completely. But the remnants of the sweater we managed to put back together in one piece. Thread by thread we put all the disheveled yarn in a pattern, secured with an additional stitch and a layer of duplicate fabric. Of course Piggy underwent a thorough cleaning before the above manipulations and minor repair of the skin. And after that - restoration of former forms with the help of new and fluffy filler. Piglet blossomed and looked better before my eyes. And having returned home - pleased with the new appearance of the birthday boy-owner!

Repair plush goat

The French goat was devastated both literally and figuratively. Surprisingly, no one had ever taken it apart and removed the stuffing. Simply for many years of faithful service to children it was pressed into a small thin pancake. And all because the French production of toys at the time of creation of this character used only natural raw materials. And the stuffing of the goat consisted of 100% of the finest wool. And it, as it is known, has a property to fall off and give the strongest shrinkage. Besides, the four-legged plushie did not look the best. He was dirty, dusty and had terrible lint on his fur. We sparingly cleaned the toy from dust and stains, dried the coat well. With the help of a new filler we restored its shape, fluffed up the rolled pile and suddenly noticed that although the toy was made in Europe, but its construction leaves much to be desired. The goat stubbornly did not want to stand, its legs just moved apart. We considered it impossible to return the toy with this factory defect to the owner. Therefore, we spent another day to eliminate this defect of our French colleagues. Now the goat stands firmly and confidently on its own four legs and sometimes even tries to jump up)))

Repair red teddy bear

The adorable redhead, who had many years of life and terrible bald spots on his coat, came to us for restoration looking more like a flat, flattened cushion. After removing the filler, we set about cleaning and then replacing the brown parts of the toy that had completely ruptured. For this purpose we picked up the most similar in color and texture material from the assortment of German plush, carefully removed patterns, cut the material and sewed new parts of the product. Then, with the help of modern filler, we recreated the former shape of the Bear and started to restore the hair. Fortunately, the length of the red hair allowed us to do it as inconspicuously as possible. And our plush patient slowly acquired a completely new look. It was as if he hadn't even lived for decades!

Restoration teddy bear

The old beige teddy bear had become completely flat, like a pillow. And the dusty skin in some places could not withstand the onslaught of childhood love and long ago rubbed off, exposing his big cotton "soul". That's why now Mishanya came to us with a bare cracked belly, paws, face and, of course, with great hopes for a better future. With such a damaged textile, of course, you can not work and restore it from the remaining scraps. Therefore, in such difficult cases, we always do a complete replacement of the blasted parts of the toy. Replacing the material is always a troublesome event, because you need to cover the problem spot not with anything, but with plush as close to the original as possible. It may take a week or two to find it. Careful selection of our specialists passes every piece of fabric, more or less corresponding to the color color and texture, length of pile! This approach is the key to the success of the whole event to restore the toy. And the result of complex initial manipulations of our team is always a new appearance of the most favorite toy of the client, close to the original, and prolongation of the life of the product, at least for another 50 years. Having undergone all the above described "executions" of the caring hands of the restorer (and not only) Misha got a cute light pink belly made of German vintage viscose, restored and fluffed beige fur, a new hypoallergenic filling and, definitely, a wonderful future! How could we not be magicians?

Repair teddy bear

Here it is - the best example of social responsibility and just an example to follow! Over the 10 years of our work we have met very few people who value toys so much that they do not want to allow the slightest manifestation of their inevitable aging. But this Misha is special. And, having lost his shape just a little bit, he, with the owner's light hand, immediately came to us to correct his precious plush health. Having gained a little weight and shape, fluffed up his shiny coat and shining with freshness after all the "rejuvenating procedures" in Plush Clinic, the bear continues to enjoy his company with his native and loving family!

Beige bunny repair

To see a bunny in a lump of dirty old fake fur, and then to clean it up and make it look like itself - that is our vocation and our favorite thing to do! Over the years, we have already created a clear order of procedures that each toy goes through in Plush Clinic Art-berloga. And this Zai was one of them. First, the procedure is not for the faint-hearted - the spacer of the toy plus the removal of the filler, after which the plush patient is left with only the skin, with which all subsequent processes take place. Namely - cleaning, it does not bypass any plush patient, even if before it was washed at home. Next: monitoring the condition of the seams and the base of the toy, repairing all the errors, eliminating the holes and gaps present. After making sure that the main tasks are completed, we proceed to the external beauty. Restore the shape of the toy with the help of filler, fluff up the fur with our secret: but very effective method and voila - the original raggy lump turned into a full-fledged soft toy!


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