Designing toy sewing

Repair plush monkey

Our plush clinic has a new patient wounded by love. No, he has not had his heart broken by an unreciprocated feeling. On the contrary, from a long period of great love and time, his appearance and even his filling have undergone changes not for the better. His eyes lost their luster, his skin was worn out, and his "inner world" tried to escape through the torn seams on his decrepit body. But nothing is impossible for our masters of plush business. They sewed everything up, darned, cleaned, replaced the stuffing, renewed the eyes. And then everything went according to the protocol: therapy, massage and stretching of the plush spine. And our hero, like new returned to the family to continue to receive signs of love and adoration. We accept orders not only for the manufacture of new toys, but also repair, restore your old and adored plushies, with which you do not want to part, but only to pass them on to your children. Please contact us! We are always glad to help you!

restoration kitty toy

Our plush clinic was approached by a little lady. Her beloved kitty was in need of treatment. Our masters immediately rushed to the rescue. The toy was restored as a matter of urgency. The most delicate places were replaced: the tummy, heels and ears, the skin was cleaned and the eyes were renewed. The kitty was rescued, and the little owner rejoiced at her return. But the joy became double. Instead of one favorite, two kitties came home. We've done the cloning. We hope that the family got another friend and favorite soft toy. Welcome to our plush clinic. Our kind "Aibolites" will cure any soft friend and he will continue to please your children. Toy restoration is just one of the directions of our workshop. We can not only repair, recreate a plush pet, but also create a brand new one according to your photos, drawings or just descriptions. Individual tailoring guarantees that the toy will be unique.

Repair one-eyed bear

One-eyed bear. And now we have a new patient. What do you do if your pet has lost an eye in a vicious plush battle? Bring it to us, of course. In this particular case we not only renewed the parts of the fur covering, which were quite worn out by time and immense love, but also gave the injured bear a new nose, and most importantly, our masters gave him a new image. Now it is not just a teddy bear, but a brave pirate. In our plush clinic we perform restoration of any soft toys, recreation of lost favorites from photos. We select materials that match the original ones as closely as possible.

Repair bunny toy

The incredibly charming and very much loved bunny was handed over to us by the owner with the hope to return the toy to its original state. Of course, we simply could not leave the skin in such a state. After all, the "neck" of the hare appeared from many years of wearing it for this part of the body. Initially, the toy's head sat tightly on the shoulders. To restore the appearance, we selected the most similar in color and texture material, removed the molds of the body, refined and corrected the stretched areas of the pattern and sewed a new blue skin. But that was only half of the job. And not only plush was deformed, but also the rubber part of the toy's face. Here we had only the ingenuity of craftsmen and time to help us. Alignment of the front part lasted about a week on a specially designed for this purpose technology. And as a result - we prolonged the life of the bunny at least twice. He will definitely please more than one generation!

Repair mechanical bunny

The little wind-up bunny is an incredibly cute mechanical toy from the Soviet past. There are very few such toys in working condition left in the post-Soviet space and in the world at large, so the mission to bring the bunny back to life became especially important for us. First of all, the drum, skin and costume had to be removed from the metal mechanism to clean them from a half-century layer of dust. By the way - the old plush was completely faded and worn out in some places, so we had to resort to re-lining some parts. The suit was also not left without attention, we dry-cleaned it and also duplicated the inside to prevent the fabric from falling apart. We also reinforced each seam of the jumpsuit with reinforced thread. The drum suffered a special fate - not only was it cleaned, but also painted with a special spray paint for plastic. Now it is snow-white again, as it was once before. As for the winding mechanism itself, it had to be well lubricated with machine oil, check the efficiency and only then put back on the skin and overalls. The bunny became much younger and from day to day pleases its new owners with melodious drumming.

Repair chanterelles toy

The charming Foxy came to the Plush Clinic at a very advanced age with minor injuries. The main problem was that the filling had aged - the foam crumbs had compacted and started to turn into an orange, viscous mass. As a result, the toy could no longer hold the position of the head. In the process of restoration we carried out a thorough deep cleaning of the skin and complete replacement of the filler with a modern one, while the degree of filling and elasticity of the toy was kept at the level of the original. We also eliminated minor errors in the painting of the rubber part of the face.

Cloning a plush toy

Here he is - the real example of what we call "beloved toys". This puppy came to us in a critical condition after many home restorations - the skin practically fell apart in our hands, although it was kept from complete destruction only by a huge number of hand stitches overlapping each other, and the spout was glued so many times that the layer of glue became thicker than the spout itself. In this situation, there was no question of restoration, only cloning the piece, which also turned out to be a difficult task. It was almost impossible to copy the patterns, because after removing all the seams the skin turned into a real rag. And our masters created the toy practically from scratch, taking as a basis the basic outlines and constructive lines of the old original. We went through all the stages of creating the toy - modeling, coordination of the design and making amendments, re-sewing of the model taking into account the amendments and sewing of the original. And the result was certainly worth the effort. The plush puppy went home to its happy owner right after the final stitching to continue giving memories of a distant, but even more precious, childhood.

Repair doll body

Probably every girl in her childhood gave her favorite doll the word that she would never abandon her. For better or for worse, as they say. Promises should be kept and that is why a pretty but old-looking "young lady" came to our Plush Clinic. At the first examination it turned out that the body not only gives away her solid age, but also spoils her appearance and simply does not fulfill its function. To help the poor thing, we sewed a new body and replaced the old one with it, as well as completely replaced the filling. Then we cleaned the plastic parts from small dirt, washed and repaired the costume. The final and most painstaking stage of our work was the hairstyle. The doll was not just combed, but also made a real style! And so skillfully that the owner of the doll met her with tears of happiness in her eyes, having seen so many changes and beauty!

Repair of soft toy doll

The restoration of this GDR doll began with a long journey to Kharkov. The toy is really priceless for the owners, so we transported it very carefully from home to our Plush Clinic. In spite of its advanced age, the doll was well preserved. Our main task was to restore her eyesight. One eye was lost in the process of close communication with the modern younger generation. In addition to successfully repairing the eye, we cleaned and disinfected the skin. We repaired all the holes, gaps, scuffs. Filler - old foam - replaced with modern syntepuhom. We fluffed up the wool, felted for many years of life. Now the favorite updated doll has returned to her home, where she was eagerly awaited!

Repair plush monkey

Poor plush Jonic came to Plush Clinic all tired and beaten up by life. No, no, no, he was loved fervently, long and with all his heart. And that's why, over the years, he had lost his pristine appearance. We had to completely disassemble his fur, clean and sanitize him. The old, dusty wood filler was mercilessly recycled, and the monkey received a new modern "stuffing" from syntepuh. This filler collects less dust and does not breed dust (feather) mites. Next, we had to work hard to restore the limbs and face. It was almost impossible to remove the pattern from the face part, which had been tormented for years, and we acted at random, relying only on experience and professionalism. As a result, the toy turned out as good as new . At least, the owners of its transformation caused no less emotion, and that says a lot!


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