Designing toy sewing

Repair red teddy bear

The adorable redhead, who had many years of life and terrible bald spots on his coat, came to us for restoration looking more like a flat, flattened cushion. After removing the filler, we set about cleaning and then replacing the brown parts of the toy that had completely ruptured. For this purpose we picked up the most similar in color and texture material from the assortment of German plush, carefully removed patterns, cut the material and sewed new parts of the product. Then, with the help of modern filler, we recreated the former shape of the Bear and started to restore the hair. Fortunately, the length of the red hair allowed us to do it as inconspicuously as possible. And our plush patient slowly acquired a completely new look. It was as if he hadn't even lived for decades!

Restoration teddy bear

The old beige teddy bear had become completely flat, like a pillow. And the dusty skin in some places could not withstand the onslaught of childhood love and long ago rubbed off, exposing his big cotton "soul". That's why now Mishanya came to us with a bare cracked belly, paws, face and, of course, with great hopes for a better future. With such a damaged textile, of course, you can not work and restore it from the remaining scraps. Therefore, in such difficult cases, we always do a complete replacement of the blasted parts of the toy. Replacing the material is always a troublesome event, because you need to cover the problem spot not with anything, but with plush as close to the original as possible. It may take a week or two to find it. Careful selection of our specialists passes every piece of fabric, more or less corresponding to the color color and texture, length of pile! This approach is the key to the success of the whole event to restore the toy. And the result of complex initial manipulations of our team is always a new appearance of the most favorite toy of the client, close to the original, and prolongation of the life of the product, at least for another 50 years. Having undergone all the above described "executions" of the caring hands of the restorer (and not only) Misha got a cute light pink belly made of German vintage viscose, restored and fluffed beige fur, a new hypoallergenic filling and, definitely, a wonderful future! How could we not be magicians?

Repair teddy bear

Here it is - the best example of social responsibility and just an example to follow! Over the 10 years of our work we have met very few people who value toys so much that they do not want to allow the slightest manifestation of their inevitable aging. But this Misha is special. And, having lost his shape just a little bit, he, with the owner's light hand, immediately came to us to correct his precious plush health. Having gained a little weight and shape, fluffed up his shiny coat and shining with freshness after all the "rejuvenating procedures" in Plush Clinic, the bear continues to enjoy his company with his native and loving family!

Beige bunny repair

To see a bunny in a lump of dirty old fake fur, and then to clean it up and make it look like itself - that is our vocation and our favorite thing to do! Over the years, we have already created a clear order of procedures that each toy goes through in Plush Clinic Art-berloga. And this Zai was one of them. First, the procedure is not for the faint-hearted - the spacer of the toy plus the removal of the filler, after which the plush patient is left with only the skin, with which all subsequent processes take place. Namely - cleaning, it does not bypass any plush patient, even if before it was washed at home. Next: monitoring the condition of the seams and the base of the toy, repairing all the errors, eliminating the holes and gaps present. After making sure that the main tasks are completed, we proceed to the external beauty. Restore the shape of the toy with the help of filler, fluff up the fur with our secret: but very effective method and voila - the original raggy lump turned into a full-fledged soft toy!

Repair soft doll

After 2 years of daily close contact and tireless interaction with a loving baby, the imposing Art-berloga Searcher came to the Plush Clinic to rest, regain strength and recover. During the long and extremely active period of the textile doll's life, there was much less damage than we expected. The most difficult task was to make a new frame, as we had to take the whole body apart and reassemble it after replacing the flexible elements. This definitely took a considerable amount of time. But we solved the rest of the tasks in no time. We replaced the textile on the nose, cleaned and ironed the suit, put the leg back in place, fixed the glasses. And now, already renewed, the Detective is back to his daily tasks - to watch over his little owner and be his best friend at all times. We are confident that with further intensive use, the quality of our work and after-sales service will provide this toy at least 2-3 years of decent existence without repair and maintenance. And maybe even more, if the load on this frame doll will be reduced.

Renovation doll's body

For its 25 years, the rag-and-plastic doll was preserved quite well, but still lost its appearance. The body was badly worn out, sewn and darned more than once by the owners. The doll's eyes practically didn't work, eyelashes were lost, and the vinyl body changed its original color. We had already started to prepare for restoration and were ready to use heavy artillery of our restoration skills, but the owner of the toy was worried that it would become too new and lose all traces of life together with him. Therefore, we were given the following tasks - to replace the textile part of the torso, to gently clean the plastic parts of the product, to restore the mobility of the eyeballs and to make new eyelashes. Cleaning of the doll's body was not an easy process, the dust embedded for 25 years by gentle means did not want to be cleaned off, the vinyl only got a little lighter, but this result completely satisfied the owner and we proceeded to the next work. We cut out of dense calico back and tummy, gathered them into one piece and sewed to the body limbs - arms, legs, head, having previously put inside the hypoallergenic filler. And the mobility of the eyes was restored. The eyelashes were purchased and glued on completely new. And, as a finishing touch, we embroidered a gift inscription on the front part of the doll. We agree that it was possible to work on the doll, soak the body in chemical solutions, trying to return the former color, put brand new eyes, but it would be a completely new product. And the main task of a restorer is to preserve authenticity! It is with this skill that we win the hearts of all those who want to bring their favorite toy back to life!

Repair plush elephant

We absolutely love how the toys are transformed after a visit to Plush Clinic Art-berloga! Look closely! They all even have a different look in their eyes! They arrive with sad eyes and go home with shining ones! And how much labor and effort we put in to achieve such an effect is known only to the masters, who try day and night to restore another plushie and bring it back to the family as soon as possible! At first glance, the condition of the gray Elephant was relatively normal, but on closer examination it became clear - the skin is dotted with small holes, snags and arrows. And each such damage was eliminated manually, after cleaning the toy. We did not forget to replace the filler - new fluffy syntepuh, so the Elephant got the former forms, but remained very soft. And when we corrected his eyes and fluffed up his fur, it was as if he had just come from a shop window. Both we and the owner of the toy were satisfied with the work done!  Now her childhood friend will live for many years and will even have time to please future generations!

Restoration yellow teddy bear

A bright yellow USSR-era bear almost lost its head, literally! It was held on a single thread and had to be put back in place immediately. But, as it turned out, this was not the primary task. Because the toy began to actively crumble hair and there were bald spots on the tummy, on the arms and legs and on the face. Therefore, to begin with, we started cleaning the toy and impregnating its fur with our specially developed composition for strengthening the base. At the same time, the pile itself remained as soft and fluffy as it was, but its active crumbling was stopped. And there was also a need to replace some parts of the joints of the toy, namely - metal joints. For this purpose strong cotter pins were purchased and fitted into the articular disks of the toy, and these wooden parts were pre-impregnated by us with glue to prevent wear and tear. And only after all the procedures the head was installed, as it is supposed to be, on the bear's shoulders. This is the long way of transformation all soft patients go through in Plush Clinic. And after such procedures they are transformed beyond recognition!

Repair vintage teddy

Oh and we worked hard with this bear!!! Toptygin turned out to be a tough nut and we had to work hard to save him. We simply snatched the bear from the terrible clutches of oblivion! After all, just a little bit more and he would have fallen apart in our hands! Fortunately, the owners of the toy in time turned to Plush clinic Art-berloga . And we are not timid guys! Difficult tasks only spur us on and excite us! As always, the case began with cleaning, and then came the "heat". The material we needed to repair the gaps, matching in color and texture, was nowhere, from the word at all! And then, having purchased a sufficient amount of all kinds of dyes for fabric, having gathered our courage and rolled up our sleeves, we started to hand-dye a selected piece of viscose. Our workshop suddenly turned into a chemical laboratory - dyes were mixed, dark liquid of different concentrations was bubbling in containers, where a flap of fabric was dipped in turn to be dyed in the desired shade. It took us 5 days just for the dyeing process. But the result stunned everyone - the material was made almost identical color, and the texture - one in the same! Therefore, the places where there were gaps became absolutely invisible! And the rubbed heels and palms were also made new - from microplush of milk chocolate color. We replaced the cotter pins, and the wooden disks were reinforced with a special impregnation. Now all the limbs of the toy are movable around their axis. The selection of fittings was also an important moment. To make the bear as much as possible similar to himself in his youth, we repeatedly consulted with the owner of this plushie about the appearance and configuration of the nose, eyes. We tried on various variants, tried even donor parts from other toys of the same Soviet period, until we reached a complete consensus with the customer. The filler of the toy was replaced with an identical one, namely - densely tamped wood chips to recreate the original shape and density of the product. Bottom line: a tremendous amount of work has been done and we are not ashamed to be proud of this work! Here it is - toy restoration in the full sense of the word! Here it is - Plush Clinic in action!


Repair plush sheep

Didn't you notice how transformed, handsome and cheerful the lamb is after the restoration? Why? - Because he didn't have such attractive eyes before! His native eyes turned out to be completely unsuitable for further use: all the plastic of the pupils was in small chips, cracks, scratches and grinding was ineffective in this case. That's why, after the basic procedures for cleaning and repairing the skin, after stuffing the lamb and after fluffing the wool, we started to select new fittings! We have chosen a lot of variants, reviewed a great number, and stopped on big sky-blue eyes (otherwise you can not say), that charm and beckon, as alive! Now Barash is vigorous, cheerful, well-fed and ready to live in a loving family for decades more side by side with a loving baby, supporting him in all his endeavors, travels and accomplishments!


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