Designing toy sewing

soft traffic cone

Sometimes life runs so fast that there comes a desire to press the pause and organize an island of calm, to separate your personal space from the big world. But we, people, are not given this ability, and that is why it is useful to have a soft warning "beacon" at hand, for example, in the form of a special sign. This is not just a traffic cone! It is a real stopper for unwanted contacts. Put the cone on the desk of the office or on the threshold of a private room - and people around you know that it is better not to approach now!))) And also such a product is a great gift for a motorist. It can serve as an original soft pillow-headrest or a non-banal decoration of the salon-car. The cone itself is hollow, but it holds its shape perfectly, although it is soft. It is not afraid of crumpling and active use. It is created in life-size from neon-orange microplush with an inset strip of the same material, but white in color. Repetitions of this design and variations on the theme of realization of other variety of similar cones are possible. Please contact us!


Repair big panda

Tested: even such a huge panda can be loved and squeezed so much that it just can't stand this happiness! And if there is more than one child in the family, the speed of the process increases in direct proportion to the number of little varmints! And the further path of a toy tired of attention - goes nowhere else but to us for restoration! Upon receipt of the black and white patient, we urgently began its rescue. To begin with, we extracted all the filler, cleaned the skin from dust, which was quite strongly embedded in the pole, because the toy is a floor toy. And then, having waited until the pile dries well, we began to restore the shape of the toy with the help of filler. In the place of connection of the head with the neck we installed 2 additional separating membranes, so that in case of a repeated break of the same kind, the stuffing of the product did not scatter around the house. After the restoration, the Panda became as if even bigger, as if we had not "treated" it, but fattened it up! As a result, we had to take a special car for her in order to transport the repaired and "recovered" Plush Clinic visitor home to her waiting family as comfortably as possible!

Repair plush tiger

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, a big plush tiger met a little defenseless girl who needed a friend. And their friendship was very strong and reliable. In fact, even with the passage of years they remain inseparable. Only now the grown-up girl protects her pet Timka from all sorts of life difficulties and even from old age. That is why she entrusted us with the restoration of the precious Tiger. To begin with, we removed the old foam filler from the toy and cleaned the fur from dirt and dust. After cleaning the black stripes almost came off the fur, so after filling the product with syntepuhom and after installing the eyes, we manually restored the animalistic coloring with water-resistant paint. The work was very labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the result exceeded all expectations. Timka again became "like in childhood" according to the customer!  And this is the main thing we achieve with our work - not just repairing toys, but reviving long-lost emotions!

Toy Banana Man

Children's irrepressible imagination can create real masterpieces and tirelessly depict them with paper and pencils. And for us it is a special honor to create toys based on children's drawings. We do this work very carefully, conducting preliminary modeling of the product to make sure the correctness of shapes and design, to verify the molds. Then we decide on the materials, namely the texture and color scheme. And then the magic begins! We cut, sew, mount the frame, fill the product, decorate the toy, put all our soul into this labor. And voila - Bananaman is ready! His height is 30 cm. This is the most convenient and optimal size for children's toys and dolls. Limbs are movable, thanks to the wire frame in rubber braiding inside the whole body. Due to this, the plush superhero can sit, stand, do twine and many other poses. From now on he is always and everywhere inseparable from his little "creator" as a real friend!

Plush houseboy

Development of a soft toy houseboy, a package of molds and instructions for assembling the plush design.

Repair pink teddy

Every soft toy that is more than 20 years old is a real time bomb. And this is not an exaggeration! With the help of a cute pink teddy bear we were once again convinced of the rightness of our beliefs. At first glance, he is a bear like a bear: intact, quite soft and even the skin is practically clean. But, we had to open the hidden seam, and we were horrified - as a filler of the bear was used foam, which for 20 years of use of the toy has already managed to succumb to the irreversible process of decomposition. It partially overworked and crumbled, the small crumbs began to stick together in clumps.  This situation only excited us and we bravely entered the battle with unusable filler. The very first stage of work - cleaning the toy - took the most time and was extremely labor-intensive. All small particles of crumbled foam had to be picked out of the base of the skin by hand. And only after we managed to completely get rid of the old filler, the stage of wet cleaning and drying began. For the bear we chose the softest synthetic down, so that it would be pleasant to the touch for its owners. The pink and shining clean coat was fluffed using our author's technology. And, as a final touch, we fixed the eyes more tightly. Misha returned home to continue to please his owners with his presence, to remind them of happy moments of childhood and to erase the boundaries of the past.

soft toy Alf

Our alien Alf is created in a mixed technique. This means that the toy is partly felted from wool and partly sewn from plush. Such complex manipulations are done in order to achieve maximum similarity of the toy with the character from the cult sitcom. The product is created in a stationary sitting position, but, at the same time, it has movable arms due to the flexible frame inside. The material for the pelt is selected from a series of artificial long-wool furs with a pile height of 7 cm. For the muzzle, ears, palms and feet, plush with a pile length of 4 mm was chosen. Though the muzzle itself is created in the technique of dry felting of wool, but so that it does not stand out in color from the general ensemble, it is covered with plush. The filling is syntepuh. The eyes are plastic. Alf lives now in Kharkov and entertains his family every day. And we are seriously thinking of putting such a shaggy charmer in our workshop, it's really more fun with him!

mascot toy bear

Oh, we love difficult tasks! At first glance such an uncomplicated bear should not have created any difficulties for us, but when the client knows exactly to the millimeter what his plush friend should be, and even more so the company's mascot - the task becomes a little bit more complicated! There is no right to deviate from the client's idea or to add an author's touch. Clear work according to the terms of reference. And, even at a distance of almost 9 000 kilometers by air, we managed to create a toy exactly as the customer wanted it to be. Butuzik bear is made of dense short-sworded artificial fur and filled with hypoallergenic syntepuh. All its shapes are made in full conformity with the sketch. On the back the bear has a secret pocket for a sound module, and on the tummy there is an electronic embroidery of the logo. But most importantly, we managed to create a facial expression on the bear, quote: "like a sarcastic asshole", which was the most important thing for the client! And for this we had to move eyebrows and eyes on the face countless times until we reached a consensus. The product is now in Singapore and is doing a great job as a company symbol. We are very happy and proud to make another mark on our map of international cooperation.

Soft cat toy

The cutest character from the social network came off the screen thanks to the spontaneous idea of a young man and our hard work. Always, when you look at such characters, it seems that there is nothing to do there! Just a bag-shaped kitty with a minimum of decoration and not complicated detailing. But in fact, all the most simple and primitive figures - extremely difficult to work. To bring out plausible clear forms of the kitty we had to spend a week of working time, to create, destroy and re-create 4 models, and only the 5th one turned out to be a full-fledged prototype of the toy, which, as a result, and was approved by the customer. The toy itself is made of the most pleasant, in tactile terms, microplush of two tones - light gray and dark gray. When working with the material we discovered its amazing feature - this microplush has a memory, it captures every touch to itself and Pushin has to be often ironed to make him look neat. Without expecting it, we have endowed the toy with the character of a real fluffy pet, to whom you should definitely give your attention! As for constructive decisions, the center of gravity of the toy is deliberately shifted, as a result of which Kotik is deflected backwards, as it was drawn on the sticker, which served us as a sketch. However, this unusual position and specific design do not prevent Pushin from maintaining a stable position on his own, without any additional supports. Nowadays this smiling cat gives his positivity to beautiful people! And we are already in anticipation of sewing him in new and new hypostases, poses and images!

Decor plush monkey

Creating interior or exterior décor is always a fun process. And for the time of designing and sewing these products, our workshop turned into a real Planet of the Apes - these cute pink shaggies, as tall as a man, crowded all our workspace. Besides, there was one sloth among them, which turned out to be so lazy that it took longer than all five monkeys together to be born. All items are made of artificial fur of limited edition "Alpaca", and the sloth is made of no less rare artificial fur of "Lama" series. The height of each piece is 155 cm and the weight is about 5 kg. At this size it is a small weight of the product, and it is achieved by using very light and breathable filler, which provides good mobility and flexibility of the long limbs. For each of the monkeys a system of fasteners is thought out and organised in order to hang the toys high under the ceiling in certain poses. And now, this exotic plush menagerie is comfortably placed and decorates the Kiev Pastateca establishment. By the way, whoever will be there - say hello to this fluffy flock!


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