Designing toy sewing

Repair old panda

It is a pleasure to work with those toys that are loved, cherished and tried to prolong their life in every possible way. Panda is 20 years old. For a human it is not much, but for a soft toy it is already a considerable age. And the decision to send her to Plush Clinic for preventive care was very timely. After all, the toy has already gotten dirty, lost its former forms and, upon closer inspection, several small tears at the seams were noticed. And also the life of the filler was coming to an end. So first we cleaned the toy, eliminated the tears and additionally strengthened the seams, replaced the old combined filler (syntepuh + porollon) with clean, soft and springy syntepuh, which will long and well hold the correct shape of the toy. And as a final chord - fluffed the fur. At least 20 more years of life of this Pandochka is guaranteed after all these manipulations! Of course, on condition of the same careful attitude!

Repair teddy bear

A unique teddy bear in a remarkable leopard overalls decided to pamper himself with Spa procedures and came to Plush Clinic Art-berloga for a week. But we decided not to limit ourselves to simple "cosmetic" procedures and to carry out a full range of services to return the toy to its former beauty and plush health, despite the rather decent general condition of the plush patient. We cleaned the entire coat (including the overalls), strengthened the seams, sewed up the gaps, changed the filler and, as a cherry on the cake, fluffed the fleece using our author's method. The difference between the condition of the toy "BEFORE" restoration and "AFTER" is enormous. - is colossal. Mishutka returned home the way his owners didn't even remember him. "As if only from the store" - they shared their impressions!

dog mannequin

Despite the fact that we are toy makers, we do not refuse to create mannequins for the pet studio. And here is a vivid example of such a product. There was no attachment to a specific breed, it was not important for the customer. The main parameter was the size of the doggie. The back from the withers to the tail - 45 cm, the total length - about 65-70 cm. Also an important moment and one of the main tasks was the ability to set the mannequin on a special stand with a slight movement of the hand so that the textile doggie kept its balance and did not fall back and forth. Our designers had to think hard about this point, to develop and build a special hidden construction into the product. We sewed dummies from dense, wear-resistant twill of unobtrusive color "coffee with milk". The filling is standard - syntepuh, but the stuffing is much denser than in soft toys, because these products must constantly and rigidly hold their shape. Now 5 such dummy dogs live and "work" in one of the pet shops of the glorious city of Dnipro. If you see them, say hello!

Repair plush bunny

Restoration of a plush bunny named Stepashka initially seemed quite unrealistic to us. Even though we have enormous experience in this field, but the white fur of a toy stained with something similar to fuel oil is always an archically difficult task. The cleaning of the product was carried out in several stages and lasted a little less than a week. As a result of these titanic efforts Bunny became like a bunny again and, almost completely, the whiteness of his vintage skin returned. Unfortunately, the nose part of the face could not be saved. From the age of the fabric in this place completely dried up, began to tear, all the lint long ago crumbled. That's why, having picked up the most similar in color and texture plush, we cut out a new nose part for the toy and sewed it in place of the previous one. It should be noted that we did it very competently, because it is impossible for a person uninitiated in this mystery to distinguish between the original and the new one! We also monitored the condition of all seams and strengthened them. We replaced the filler. We fluffed the fleece using our author's method. Now Stepashka is again a favorite of the whole family and after his return takes the most honorable place in the house and in the hearts of the owners!

Repair plush donkey

This rare toy was presented to us as a Donkey. And, although to us, this plushie seemed very similar to a dog, but out of respect for customers and the solid age of the product, we accepted these "rules of the game". So, Donkey.  He lived a lot of years in a loving family. But time is inexorable and merciless to plush toys. All the brown parts of Donkey simply disintegrated into ashes and it was impossible to restore them. So I had to pick up the most similar vintage material and recreate the missing parts. But the main orange-colored skin was still in a very good condition. So we cleaned it, strengthened all the seams and fluffed it up. The old cotton filler was disposed of and replaced with modern syntepuh, in order to maximize the life of the Donkey. Eyes and nose remained native. We only polished them a little to give them a "lively shine". To say that the toy has changed - nothing to say.  We rescued and brought Donkey back to life, which made his loving family incredibly happy! Now they will pass this toy from generation to generation as a family heirloom for a long time!

Soft cat Divo

Divo! What an eloquent name this kitten has! His image was created by our customer's designers, but it is really a real miracle! It's a miracle that we managed to create such a difficult mascot on the existing visualization in those few days that were left before the launch of the promo-campaign. We, as always, worked hard. We worked around the clock, just not to let the client down and to create a toy as similar to the prototype as possible. We were torn between several operations at the same time: we prepared patterns, selected the most suitable material, prepared a file in the necessary format for embroidering eyes, cut, sewed, mounted the frame, and at the same time had time to coordinate with the customer the main working points. It was very "hot", but we and the owners of the mascot were satisfied with the result.

Soft cat from photo

The story of this cute gray kitten is very touching. Once upon a time, the same toy was the mascot of the whole family. But, as it often happens, the family returned home from another trip with an incomplete family. Everyone's favorite plushie remained somewhere in warm lands. Therefore, the family council decided to look for opportunities to restore the toy. And with the realization of this idea we willingly volunteered to help. To begin with, we studied the entire photo album dedicated to the favorite toy, took into account the sketches and wishes of the customer and created a layout, and then a copy (clone) of the lost plush friend. The main work lasted about 21 days, although the preparation took much longer. The family happily welcomed the younger Serenky and now they are inseparable. Kotik stays at home for the time of traveling, so that history does not suddenly repeat itself.

White bear restoration

Restoration of once snow-white toys is a responsible and especially difficult business. After all, we cannot use aggressive chemicals to avoid damaging the toy, but we need to whiten the product. Then we have to "reinvent the wheel" and find the most effective composition for cleaning fake fur. The result of such research is always and quite noticeable. And when we give a new, soft, springy filler and fluff up the fur - the plush patient immediately sheds 10-15 years. On the above photos of the teddy bear you can notice with a naked eye how the tone of the coat before and after cleaning differs. And in general how well the toy looks after our manipulations on its restoration.

Repair teddy bear

It is a special honor for us to hold in our hands a whole era encased in a soft toy! And every time - a great responsibility! But still the excitement to restore the product to its former appearance does its job and we enthusiastically start a new restoration: cleaning, mending, changing parts! And all in order that such favorite and rare toys, such as this teddy bear, could be a family heirloom for a long, long time, connecting generations! Works performed in this case: gentle cleaning of the skin, repair of small tears and gaps, strengthening seams, replacing cotter pins, replacing the filler, fluffing the pile. After such a complex of measures the teddy bear will no longer be ashamed and hidden from guests! On the contrary - now the plush friend of the family always occupies the most honorable place in the house!

Soft playpen panda

Most young parents have a strong desire to make their lives easier and at the same time decorate the children's room with functional soft poufs, playpens, developmental mats, sofas. And we are happy to help them in this! After all, we are always ready to design and sew any upholstered interior object, so that your baby was comfortable and safe to sleep, sit, play, enjoy the best moments of childhood. This model "Manege Panda" is designed by special order and can not be reproduced again, because the right holder is our regular customer. But to develop for you an exclusive children's accessory by your own or your design, sew it from the best certified hypoallergenic materials, add elements for the development of fine motor skills, apply a logo or additional pockets - no problem! Contact us!


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