A decorative pillow is always a bright accent in the interior. And when the decorative pillow is made in the image of a mascot - the main character of the company - it is an undoubted advantage. After all, any visitor to the office will definitely notice such an unusual accessory, be sure to touch it and form a new psychological beacon in its perception of the organization. And this beacon 100% will be positive. The toy-pillow in the form of an unearthly creature is made of microplush, filled with tender and ultra-soft chollofiber. The company logo is embroidered on the back. The front part of the mask is formed volumetric with the help of special sewing techniques. Wide radiant smile also has volume, or rather - a hollow inside the toy, thanks to a specially designed frame. The product is safe for adults, animals and even preschool children.

When a person knows what they want - that's always 50% of success. We take care of the other 50! For this bunny, we received a complete and most accurate technical specification imaginable. We discussed the smallest details, adjusted some nuances and got down to business. Or rather - for thread and hook. Bunny, loop by loop, began its appearance in the world. But with the first time toys only in the movie get) And in real life had to tie the limbs several times to please with the proportions of the customer, to think through and implement the attachment of limbs. We also created a bunny exclusive eyes from polymer clay and a cute nose. And the soft brain, according to the original idea, is always in view, but not stationary, but mobile and mobile. After all, it is the most attractive part of any organism! It should be available 24/7! And who else suddenly needs bunnies with brains and not only - you can fulfill any fantasy, in Art-Berlog!

What tricks do clinics have to do to please the smallest but most demanding patients! Children are especially afraid of the dentist's office. And to correct this problem, we have actively worked on the creation of a cute overlay on the dental chair in the form of a cartoon fish. This product defuses the situation in the office, removes all the children's fears of this equipment. After all, agree, a very big difference - to sit in the dentist's chair or in the chair-fish!!!!. This product in no way complicates the work of the doctor and assistant. At any moment the fish can be removed from the backrest and just as easily fix it back. It is made of artificial leather, which meets all sanitary norms and allows disinfecting the product for the safety of babies. Such items of medical interior can be developed taking into account the specifics of the work of a particular doctor. And it is also quite possible to realize other characters or mascots, which will give the little patient courage and confidence. Contact us!

Plush pigeon was created by us by individual order for a girl who loves these birds very much. As a basis we took the image of a real pigeon, oriented on its color and basic shapes. The bird turned out to be big enough, about 50 cm. It does not stand on its own, but it is very convenient for hugging and sleeping, although it is not a pillow, but a full-fledged volumetric toy. In the product, at the request of the customer, there is a secret pocket for all sorts of little things and secrets. As the material of the top used certified in the Ukrainian market fabrics. Namely plush, microplush, wool. And for the filling of the toy perfectly suited chollofiber, which perfectly holds its shape and at the same time very soft. We tried very hard to make the pigeon as similar as possible to a real bird, that's why the color of its proud neck was applied by hand with a special resistant paint for fabric. Now the bird from us "flew away" to its native nest and we are very happy about it. After all, it is loved there, we are absolutely sure of that!

Some girls dream of a prince on a white horse who, for their sake, will defeat a dragon. And other girls have such a big and sensitive heart that they are strong enough to find a common language even with the most terrible fire-breathing creature! Just such a brave girl thought up and drew this red Dragon, and also - wanted to settle it at her place. And since half of the work was already done, we only had to arm ourselves with fabrics, wit, patience and a drop of magic, and create a toy exactly according to this child's drawing. The work boiled over according to the usual scheme - a model of the dragon, coordination with the customer, making amendments to the model, selection of materials, sewing the toy. And the result exceeded all expectations. The dragon turned out to be bright, eye-catching and incredibly similar to its 2D-prototype, created by a childish hand of a young dreamer. Since recently Firebreather lives in the princess's chambers and stands guard over her sweet dreams. And when the princess grows up, this Dragon will help her to choose a worthy prince. At least, that's what we want to believe!

Once upon a time, a tender minty hippo was a little boy's best friend. Years passed, the boy grew up, and from the hippo remained only memories and one photo. Our masters had to restore the visual image of the favorite, but lost toy. First of all, we created a model of the hippo, clarified on it where and what inaccuracies were allowed, talked to the client about what and how to change, so that the new plushie as much as possible corresponded to the original. And there were three such layouts until we achieved the ideal, in the opinion of the customer. The final stage in the work was sewing a new toy. For this purpose we used certified materials - microplush and plush. As a filler - holofiber. As it turned out, eyebrows, eyes, nostrils and mouth were embroidered, so we did not use any other techniques to create a face. Every time we encounter lost animals and the need to restore them, we are truly happy that so many people understand the real value of plush toys and try their best to recreate, reanimate and save them!

What, you don't like spiders? You just don't know how they are created at Art-berloga! This cute eight-legged fellow is created in absolute accordance with the customer's wishes. Its legs span 40 cm. The fur is dense and thick. Color combination - warning poisonous. Inside the toy there is no frame to hold the paws in the correct anatomical position, because this toy is cuddly and titillating, always in close contact with a person. Therefore, we refused from the frame, in order to minimize the traumatic danger of the toy, and found a constructive solution that allows you to accurately convey all the subtle curves of the paws. The most interesting thing is that the most amount of time was spent not on sewing the toy, but on shearing. The fur suitable for the work was long-woolen. That's why it had to be shortened. All of it! By hand! This titanic labor we did not do in vain, because the spider turned out to be a glory. At least, that's what the customer said!

"You may not be a tanker, but you must be the best friend!" - This was the message with which we sent this pillow toy to our customer. And we are more than sure that Tankist became a favorite of the whole family! After all, he will keep you company in a tank, and in a convertible, and in an airplane! He will create a feeling of coziness and help to relax a little in a long journey. Knowing what fate is destined for the new cushion toy, we created it as practical as possible. That's why we chose black color and material - microplush, which is resistant to wiping and easy to wash. Thanks to the filling with syntepuh, the product turned out to be light, soft and squeezable. And the most important thing is that our tank man is extremely peaceful! And if you also need such an unusual character - contact us! We will gladly sew more soldiers, just so that peace reigns in the world!

Everyone knows for a long time that Art-berloga employs magicians, but it is a holy thing to remind about it once again). In addition to the fact that we can realize any task, we can also generate the idea itself. And then bring it to perfection, refine the design and realize it out of fabric! That's how it happened with Kotichka. At the start we had only one input: a funny cat. Having included imagination, we drew a series of sketches with all sorts of "krazy" kitties, chose the best ones and offered them to the customer. As you can see, the result is a cute and even a bit silly fat kitty. By the way, look closely, very profitable as a pet! Eat-drink does not ask, in the house is not naughty, never annoying, hugs and squeezes love and always reminds of the warm feelings of a loved one personalized inscription. Well, just an ideal! And all because it has a piece of soul of each of the masters who had a hand in its creation! And if you or your loved one really, really need a kitty, we know for sure that we can create it!

According to the zoological classification, the bee belongs to the stinging family, the group of webworms, and its closest relatives are wasps and ants. But according to the internal classification of Art-berloga - bees are one of the most favorite plush characters of both adults and children. This cutest winged toy is customized especially for a newborn baby girl. Knowing that the toy will become a faithful friend to a defenseless person who has just come into this world, we tried to create it as pleasant as possible tactilely, absolutely safe to use and as attractive as possible. This exclusive product can be dry cleaned and hand washed. All small details are made of textile, the use of plastic fittings and frame is absolutely excluded. The top material is certified microplush. The bee is filled with hypoallergenic syntepuh, which is resistant to the accumulation of dust and dust mites, and therefore contact with the child these irritants are excluded. When working on the bee, our team strived to create not just another plushie, but a real soft friend, maximally adaptive to the needs of the baby. After all, the child's health is invaluable, and it is on its maintenance in proper condition should be focused on the first toy. Remember this, parents, and do not give in to the temptation of dubious savings on toys.